Does Your Well Water System Require Maintenance?

While many homes use well water, municipal supplies are far more common in the US. However, certain areas of the country, especially more rural communities, still rely on private wells for clean drinking water. If you've recently moved into a home that uses a well for its water supply, you may be wondering about long-term costs, repairs, and maintenance. 

Fortunately, well water systems are typically a reliable and trouble-free way to bring clean and safe drinking water into your home. Still, maintaining your system is the best way to ensure you don't suffer from unexpected interruptions or other issues. These three tips will help you understand how to keep your well clean, safe, and reliable.

1. Gather Information

Knowledge is power, and that's unquestionably true when it comes to maintaining your home's well water. At a minimum, you should know the location of your well, its depth, the age of your pump, and how recently the previous owner tested the water. If you've recently purchased your home, a well water test should have been part of your prepurchase inspection.

This information will serve several essential purposes. First, this information will make it easier for contractors to inspect and service your well in the future. The age of your pump can be especially useful when diagnosing problems. Additionally, well water testing results will help guide you when scheduling future well tests.

2. Maintain a Safe Perimeter

Knowing the location of your well can help you to direct contractors for future repairs and allow you to make quick inspections. However, it serves another important function: it allows you to keep potential contaminants a safe distance away. Owning a well makes water quality your responsibility, and hazardous chemicals on the surface can leach underground and contaminate your water. Typical examples include pesticides, herbicides, motor, and gear oil, and anything else that may be unsafe to drink. You should avoid using, storing, mixing, or transferring these chemicals anywhere around your well. Likewise, it's critical to know the location of your septic system (if you have one) and to quickly deal with any issues that may contaminate your well water.

3. Schedule Routine Tests

An annual water quality test is arguably the most important maintenance task you can conduct with your well. A water quality test will reveal the presence of pathogens and harmful chemicals, allowing you to address the problem before it can make you or your family sick. An annual test also allows a certified professional to inspect your well and look for any potential issues.

Maintaining a well isn't hard, but it's essential to remember that small issues can have a big impact on your water quality and safety. By staying aware of your well's location, keeping harmful chemicals away, and scheduling annual tests, you can ensure your well will provide you with safe drinking water for many years.

Contact a well service, such as Golden Gate Well Drilling & Water Conditioning, to learn more. 

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Making It: A Construction Blog

When you make something with your own hands, you usually feel really empowered and accomplished. There's just something about creating things that connects you with your inner self. Now, imagine if your everyday job involved making things with your hands. That would be really satisfying, right? That's what construction workers get to do. They get to create things every day, from roofing, to roads, to walls. Most construction workers choose their job because they do love working with their hands, and they continue to find their jobs rewarding for this reason. On this website, we are proud to feature these construction workers' work and some related insights.

